Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Is How It's Done!

WARNING: This is not recommended for the faint of heart. 

Oops... I did it again! #DoneDeal #HadTo

And just in case you didn't get it that last time, I said...

"What did you do, already?" 

I guess I can tell you what I did again...

Better yet I'll just show you.

Well, here it is...

All that means is...CASE DISMISSED!

You can have all of your tickets and criminal charges dismissed or disposed, too. Just click THIS LINK HERE for more information on ordering my exclusive specialized private case consulting services and you'll be well on your way to WORRY-FREE LIVING! 

My services are backed by a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Don't wait any longer to get that monkey off your back. 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT...To Use What They Say Against Them

DOWNLOAD THIS--> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorder <--DOWNLOAD THIS

I just downloaded Call Recorder from the Google Play Store today. So far, this application has recorder 6 of my phone calls automatically, I. E. without any manual operation. You just set it and forget it. The next time you receive a phone call or make an outgoing call your call will instantly be recorded by this application and stored on your internal memory on your phone. You can share the recordings with others via MMS or email or any other available options that they offer within this application. There are many possibilities for application and use of this technology. I'm sure you can think of some. So the next time you receive a phone call from a bill collector, a stalker, or someone you know is more likely than not going to tell you a lie during the course of your conversation with them , you can rest assured that everything that was said was indeed recorded in and on the record. And feel free to use anything that they say against them. I hope you enjoy this application as much as I do. Please leave your comments in the comment section below.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Please forgive me for having taken so long to get this to you, but I've been a bit busy enjoying life and celebrating a recent victory (one of many to come). I wanted to have this post done on Thursday but like I said I was busy.

Now, some of you may know that I've been dealing with a few legal matters that I'd rather have not had to deal with but, then again, no one else would have done it for me, so I had to get it done.

On Tuesday, the 7th of January, I received from Patricia Marshall, Court Coordinator of Ellis County's COURT AT LAW NO 2, two documents which I shall describe as notices implying a request for the appearance of the ens legis HARVEY LEE LANE SEARCY at an arraignment and initial court hearing that had been set for January 22nd of 2014 at 9 a.m. in the COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO 2 of Ellis County, 109 South Jackson, Waxahachie, Texas. So, on January 22nd of 2014, as per their implied request, I gave them what they asked for, which was the ens legis HARVEY LEE LANE SEARCY.

Some of you may be wondering, "What is this ens legis he keeps mentioning?" Well...the answer is quite simple. Ens legis is Latin for legal fiction (I.e. entity of law), or more clearly translated as creature of law.  That is just about anything (or any creature) you can create with an ink pen or pencil.

I digress...

Now, I know that I'm real because God made me that way, that is in His likeness and His image. When God made me, he blessed me with a birthright which is equated with one of His own rights, made apparent in His guide book as the right to not be ruled by (or suffer at the hands of) His creations. This is one of those unalienable rights to which is referred in the United States Constitution. This means that my creations cannot rule me (or cause me to suffer), nor can those of my siblings/peers.

I wouldn't allow any kid to tell me what to do, because that kid should know to stay in his/her place. If the kids told the parents what to do, the whole world would be turned inside-out and upside-down. God wouldn't allow that, and neither shall I.

Real recognize real and I don't recognize YOU (the fiction).

I looked up the word "recognize" in the Black's Law Dictionary a few days ago, and it tells me that the word recognize means to"contract with the Crown." I figure that if I'm going to contract with the Crown of any person, it will be the "Crown" of a flesh-n-blood (or natural) person. That is one whom is alive, one whom breathes, walks, talks, produces, and etc.

To be ruled by someone is to be required to request their permission to act as you would like to. Because I know that I cannot be ruled by my creations or the creations of my siblings/peers, I know that I shall not allow a fiction to run, or rule, my life, nor cause me to suffer for any reason whatsoever. So, why in the hell would I asked a fictional being for permission to do anything at all?

Back to the subject at hand...

In writing, Patricia Marshall, the Court Coordinator of Ellis County Court at Law No 2, implied to request the ens legis HARVEY LEE LANE SEARCY's appearance in a COURT AT LAW (not the same as a Court of Law). Now, one should comprehend that there is indeed a big difference between what is legal and what is lawful. When a court (or its agent(s)/officer(s)) operates "at law" it is indeed operating "outside of the law."

You may, or may not, have heard the term "it's a thin line between love and hate." Well, I'd like to say that if you could easily grasp that concept then you should not have any trouble grasping the concept of there being a difference between what is legal and what is lawful.

Now, just as in the case of love and hate, there is a thin line between legal and lawful. One should also come to comprehend that this thin line to which I refer is nothing to play with. If you've ever heard the term "if you step on a crack you break your mama's back" then you should know that this is exactly that "crack". That crack can kill...and it does not discriminate. So, don't think that life is a game because it is not. And you should know that these fictions, when I say fictions I mean those acting in official or any corporate capacity, can only interact with you (the flesh-n-blood man/woman) by proxy (i.e. through a real conduit, or a flesh-and-blood man and/or woman). It is only from the actions of flesh-and-blood man and woman that a fiction can realize anything, and any/all corporations are indeed fictions. This includes any and all government agencies who only get their rights/privileges to act from the consent of the governed. This means that a government agency or its agents cannot do to you what you do not consent to, nor can they do for you what you do not consent to, meaning if you do not agree then they cannot proceed.

In respects to making an agreement, the agreement is supposed to be beneficial for all real parties involved, or it is not an agreement at all. All real parties are secured. I mean to say that all real parties are secured parties. So, I, the real-party-in-interest, that is secured party, acting as agent for the fiction (though not necessarily in the capacity of a fiction), drafted a NOTICE OF APPEARANCE on behalf of the fiction (which therein and therewith the COURT's purported request/order was indeed fulfilled) and delivered it to the fictions that purportedly requested the appearance of the ens legis HARVEY LEE LANE SEARCY.

The following are digital scanned copies of the Delivery Receipts verifying delivery of the separate NOTICES OF APPEARANCE was indeed made unto Patricia Marshall, Court Coordinator.

Delivery Receipt for Delivery Item No# HLLS012201 signed for and received by Patricia Marshall, Court Coordinator

Delivery Receipt for Delivery Item No# HLLS012202 signed for and received by Patricia Marshall, Court Coordinator

Below are copies of the drafts that I delivered to JUDGE A. GENE CALVERT JR and COURT COORDINATOR PATRICIA MARSHALL.


I used a template from another NOTICE OF APPEARANCE that I had created for another related matter in the RED OAK MUNICIPAL COURT and modified it a bit to apply the same technology to the CAUSES in the ELLIS COUNTY COURT.

To this date, I have yet to hear anything (or receive any words stated in re) from either of the COURTS or their agents in regards to my administrative procedures. No news has been received from the bonding companies about any warrants being issued for Failure to Appear. So, in these cases, I believe it is safe to say that "no news is indeed good news."

That's about all that I have to say on this matter right now. I shall leave you with video evidence of my special delivery made to the COURT'S AGENTS and received by COURT COORDINATOR PATRICIA MARSHALL. Enjoy...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Oddest Thing: Manifestation of Thoughts

Just last night, I was wondering if the pending ELLIS COUNTY CASES were going to be dismissed. Today, when I think I'm going to DALLAS COUNTY COURTHOUSE to sign another Court Date reset statement, my lawyer, after showing up finally at about noon, tells me that the D.A. is in there waiting for him and he needs to go and talk with her. He's gone about six minutes, then he returns.
He comes back to tell me that the DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE is dismissing the cases.
Why? I don't know for certain. I'm just glad it's finally over.
My attorney shows up, late as hell. I've been waiting for him to show for almost three hours. He finally approaches from the lobby area, dressed casual (which was unusual). He's got this smug/I'm-so-cool-because-I'm-a-lawyer look on his face. He tells me that he'll be back shortly with the court date reset papers to sign. 
He's gone a few minutes, then he comes back.
I sign the document. He leaves. He returns again with my copy.
I ask him, "How exactly could I benefit from appointing a fiduciary in these matters?"
Instantly he scoffs and sighs loudly with apparent disgust. Simultaneously his phone rings. 
He takes the call with hopes of relief yet without hesitation and sits on the first bench he sees for a moment to recuperate from this horrendous blow.
I tell him as I walk away, "It's okay, I'll just call you later."
My daughter and I leave. I never got around to calling him about it. I figured I'd just let him linger with the thought of him possibly having to do something that he really doesn't want to do (I.e. jail time for his client).
You can Google" APPOINTMENT OF FIDUCIARY pdf" and find a few different documents that may illustrate what a good appointment can possibly do for you in your situation. 
I've only just recently come to the realization that an APPOINTMENT OF FIDUCIARY comes in very handy when you want to get something done that you may not want to do yourself, and as a result of what's been called a benefit-of-office, all BAR CARD HOLDERS are eligible for this appointment and in almost all cases they shall be required to fulfill the duties associated with the appointment without any leniency lest they be held in contempt of court (I.e. unless they would rather be thrown in jail).
I digress briefly.
Manifesting thoughts is something some may think is a form of magic. Is it? Or is it one simply exhausting one's right of free will? I would say it's the latter.
I, as one of the DeiHuarwe, know that it is my duty to know the law and only allow it to be used to my benefit and not to my detriment. I shall do as I must to ensure the longevity of myself and my family.
If it means that I have to manifest all of my thoughts to fulfill my destiny and see that all of my inherent birthrights stay mine until it is time for me to pass them on to my heirs, I shall stand and remain unwavering.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Case Dismissed? Or Case Closed?

Today I went to ELLIS COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO 2 to deliver to both the COURT COORDINATOR, and the JUDGE, each a NOTICE OF APPEARANCE which I had drafted as answer to the charges filed against the ens legis HARVEY LEELANE SEARCY.
I had done this before with a case I was dealing with in the RED OAK MUNICIPAL COURT a short while back. As of the date of my drafting this post, I have yet to receive a response from the MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE requesting any further action on behalf of the ens legis. Nor have any warrants been issued in re. I'm not sure if the cases have been dismissed or closed, but so far so good. I guess in this case no news is indeed good news. I'm sure that if my process wasn't sufficient/adequate I would have heard something from the bonding company by now. I'll post more on this tomorrow. I know it's been a while since my last post, so I thought I'd update you on what's been happening. I'll shall also post video documentation of part of my delivery process. It's pretty simple. Small role to play to get my notices delivered and the proof of delivery also.
I think it's pretty funny. You may not. At the very least though, it's effective and almost foolproof.
It's late. I've got to go to DALLAS COUNTY COURT tomorrow morning to wait on my lawyer to get the court date reset again. I'll have more for you by tomorrow evening though.