Case Consulting

Tickets and Criminal do you like 'em? DISMISSED or DISPOSED?

$150/Case - Standard Processing (3-6 Weeks*)
$225/Case - Priority Processing (2-4 Weeks *)

There's no reason for you to have to worry about if you're going to have to serve any jail-time, or probation. You don't even have to pay any fines; that would only serve as evidence of your guilt. If you don't want to make a plea of any kind, then you should be consulted by Me.

Hi, my name's Harvey. I'm here to help you out of a bad situation that can only get worse when not properly handled.

I'm sure that you know what I mean.

Failure to respond to summons and appear at court hearings can result in a ruling against you. This is when the court issues warrants for your arrest, and likely send their minions to your home or workplace to take you into custody and compel your performance.

You don't want to go to JAIL! Nobody wants to go to jail. If you've never been, just take my word for it when I say "you definitely don't want to go to JAIL!" Do everything you can to stay clear of a jail cell. This includes, but is not limited to, handling your private commercial affairs in a timely fashion to ensure that you are not held liable for anything you don't want to be held liable for.

I am not an attorney/lawyer or a paralegal. Nor have I gone to any college or university to obtain the knowledge that put me in the position to be able to assist you with "handling your private commercial affairs in a timely fashion". I can say that I am specially qualified, though, to make this offer to extend My services to you at a rate that beats almost any remotely comparable offer you could get from any BAR-card holding legal professional. All that I am offering to you are My skills and expertise for consulting cases...with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. And I'd be willing to bet you money (and I'm not a gambling-man) that you won't find a deal like this anywhere else on the web.

Now, if you came here specifically looking for someone that is a lawyer or an attorney in hopes of acquiring the legal services of a BAR-card-holding legal professional, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You can find those types of persons >>>HERE<<<.

For those of you that are not interested in being taken for a ride by those racket runners and pawns, please feel free to read on as this could mean the difference between a) you having to pay an attorney/lawyer to smile in your face and laugh at you behind your back because they know they just pulled a few fast-ones on you and b) getting what you really want out of the deal, which is your freedom, with no strings attached.

Before you decide if whether or not you would like to utilize my services (which indeed are NOT "legal services"), consider these 3 things:
  1. Do you already have an attorney/lawyer, or other service provider, who can guarantee you a dismissal or that your case will be disposed?
  2. Are you in a position to say that you have the capacity to handle your own case and can honestly guarantee your family, friends, and/or your employer that you will remain jail-free when the judge presiding over your case makes their ruling?
  3. Can you honestly say that you feel comfortable paying, and trusting, an attorney/lawyer to act in, and protect, your best interest at all times when it is made perfectly clear in "Corpus Juris Secundum" (an encyclopedia of United States law at the federal and state levels) that an attorney's "first duty is to the courts and the public, not the client, and wherever the duties to his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice," his duty to the client, you, is superceded by his duty to the court as an officer of the court? 

If you answer "No" to the three questions above, you are like most people in that you have a need to ensure your survival and to steer clear of those that seek to do you harm (i.e. professional predators). This means that you have good grasp on utilizing common-sense for your benefit. 

Now that you've made up your mind in regards to not trusting your delicate affairs to the shifty hands of the so-called "professionals," I believe that you're ready to get what you've been waiting for...and by that I mean your pending charges end with either of these statuses: 1) case disposed, or 2) case dismissed. All that's left for you to do is to submit your order for signature Case Consulting services provided by yours truly, Harvey Lee Lane: Searcy©, and you're no doubt going to see a WIN on your scorecard.

Don't waste another minute trying to find the right lawyer or attorney because they've all gone left. Put my services to the test and find out how the best is beating all the rest.


If you have more than one Case/Cause for which you would like to contract my services, please submit them for processing with a separate order for each Case/Cause.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Please remember, after checkout, to submit a copy of your citation and other relevant documents with your order for fastest processing times. If applicable, come back to this page once you're done submitting your citation and  other documents to place another order for a separate Case/Cause.

Processing Type
Case/Cause #
Name of Defendant
25% Off for ALL VETERANS 

No matter the case, I can make it disappear like MAGIC. I am not an attorney. I just know what you don't...the law. I had to learn the hard way. You don't have to.

If you don't want to take a plea bargain or probation, serve any jail time, or pay any fines, attorney fees or court costs, contract with me today.

Nothing on your record. Nothing to worry about.

100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE? THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT! <---Ask an attorney for that and see what they say.

Refer a friend, get a $50-OFF Coupon good towards future services rendered.

* - Times are approximate and may vary.
† - 25% discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offers and/or discounts.

Disclaimer: To order My services is to voluntarily consent to enter into contract with Me, i.e. Harvey Lee Lane: Searcy©, the Consultant, and provide Me with valuable consideration in exchange for My specialized private case consulting services with full comprehension and understanding that I reserve the right to refuse you, the Client, service for cause which, if applicable, evidence of said cause shall be provided to you in writing along with full return of valuable consideration with said refusal for cause without dishonor and without prejudice, and said contract shall for all intents and purposes be considered terminated and/or null and void ab initio. By ordering my services, you also thereby agree with full knowledge that My consulting services are not, and shall not be construed to be, legal services or legal advice as may be required to be provided by a legal professional such as an attorney or lawyer, nor an attempt to practice law without license. For professional legal advice, please contact a reputable lawyer or attorney which you can find ->>>HERE<<<-. I am an Equal Opportunity Service Refuser; i.e. I reserve the right to refuse service to any party for cause.


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