Wednesday, October 30, 2013

UPDATE: Recording of Affidavit of Truth RE850255155US

Today, after picking up my daughter from school, I took a trip to the post office to check the post office box for any presentments that may come. There was one item addressed to Harvey Lee Lane Searcy, My common-law copyrighted property (used without my prior authorization via My express written consent), sent by an unauthorized intervening third-party called "CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION". The item is a manila envelope that contained the documents that I had mailed to John F. Warren, COUNTY CLERK, in re Recording of Affidavit of Truth RE850255155US (including Postal Money Orders) and a letter addressed to Harvey Lee Lane Searcy from "CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION".

The following is a copy of the letter aforementioned.

Letter addressed to Harvey Lee Lane Searcy from CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION - page 1 of 1

The above displayed letter is prima facie evidence of the FRAUD being perpetrated against me in accord with the CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD me, Harvey Lee Lane: Searcy, with malicious intent. Not only does the author and/or "CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION" therewith interfere in my commercial affairs the purport to commit fraud against me, but they do so in the name of the STATE OF TEXAS.

The author forges/counterfeits my common law copyrighted property (i.e. "HARVEY LEE LANE SEARCY" and any/all derivatives thereof) with two (2) separate occurences evidenced therein, and one (1) occurrence on the white envelope, with the COUNTY OF DALLAS - STATE OF TEXAS seal thereto affixed, taped to the manila envelope in which the letter displayed above was sent therewith using My common law copyrighted property without My prior express written consent constituting Unauthorized Use thereof and subjecting the author and CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION to liability, and responsibility to honor the debt as a result of said Unauthorized Use, in the form of Unauthorized Use Fees in the sum certain amount of One Million (1,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars per each occurrence. That's a SUBTOTAL of Three Million (3,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars that is due to me by the author and/or CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION

The author also, when sequestering my documents, either knowingly or unknowingly, but still willfully, subjected themselves to further liability, and responsibility to honor the debt as a result thereof, in the form of Unauthorized Use Fees in the sum certain amount of One Million (1,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars per each occurrence. With (by my account) 35 occurrences of Unauthorized Use of my common law copyrighted property, the author makes themselves liable for a staggering amount of debt due to me and subject to foreclosure. For sequestering my documents there is another valid debt due to me in the SUBTOTAL amount of Thirty-five Million (35,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars.

The author, via their own action(s) (i.e. Unauthorized Use(s) of my common law copyrighted property), then commits thirty-five (35) counts of MAIL FRAUD (i.e. an act of fraud using the U.S. Postal Service, as in making false representations through the mail to obtain economic advantage [See Black's Law Dictionary - 8th Edition]) therewith accumulating further liability for damages against me at a rate of One Million (1,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars per each occurrence. This subjects the author and/or CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION to another valid debt due to me in the SUBTOTAL amount of Thirty-five Million (35,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars.

I hereby consolidate the above stated separate debts-due for My private accounting purposes into a new accounts receivable account which shall hereinafter be referred to as/by account number AR102913HLLS to reflect/collect the total amount of liability, and debt-due due to me by the author and/or CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION,  for all damages incurred. The GRAND TOTAL of the amount due for the above referenced account, AR102913HLLS, is Seventy-Three Million (73,000,000.00) United States Silver Dollars. 

The invoice to provide a valid assessment of the debt shall be posted here after it is delivered to CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION.

The author of the aforementioned letter therein attempts to deceive one with the contention that my "Affidavit of Truth" is not an Affidavit (also an instrument in writing) "...that is permitted or required to be recorded by a county clerk." The author therein references §192.001 of Texas Local Government Code as their precedent for not only sequestering and delaying the recording of my document, but for FORGERY (pursuant to Article 924. [530] "Forgery" defined.  as detailed under TITLE 14. OF OFFENSES AGAINST TRADE, COMMERCE AND THE CURRENT COIN. of the Penal Code of the State of Texas, ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SECOND LEGISLATURE in 1911) as well.

To further establish my standing in re the charge of CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD, I direct your attention to the author's statement in the letter which reads:

See  Texas Attorney General Opinions JC-0156 (1999); LO-98-016 (1998) (clerk may file and record a document only if authorized, or permitted to do so by a statute).

According to the Penal Code of the State of Texas, the author has committed forgery in the name of Craig Watkins, District Attorney with the signing of the fictitious name "DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, CIVIL DIVISION". As it is my firm belief that no living-breathing man and/or woman whose proper name is "DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, CIVIL DIVISION" exists, the author has indeed committed forgery with the intent to injure or defraud me, Harvey Lee Lane: Searcy.

The precedent for the previous paragraph is the following case law (common law), which reads:
The signing of a fictitious name to an instrument, with fraudulent intent, is forgery. Hocker v. State, 34 T. Cr. R., 359, 30 S. W. R., 783.

The author of the above displayed letter purports to deceive the person addressed in, and/or recipient of, the letter, containing the above mentioned quotation, believably to induce My withdrawal/retreat from the proverbial battle field and submission to their will (intent).

I wonder exactly why it is the author so chooses to not only violate my rights and liberties, but in doing so defy both logic and the law of the land (lex terrae).

Is it because my affidavit that has not been rebutted is prima facie evidence that is obviously dispositive of the matter at bar?

Or is it because they (i.e. those involved in the CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD me)  just don't want to have to pay me the money they owe?

I offer for proof and support of any/all torts and claims that may come as a result of these crimes against me, the other items that were enclosed in the manila envelope aforementioned:

REFUSED FOR RECORDING/RETURNED: Affidavit of Truth - Page 1 of 3
REFUSED FOR RECORDING/RETURNED: Affidavit of Truth - Page 2 of 3

REFUSED FOR RECORDING/RETURNED: Affidavit of Truth - Page 3 of 3

manila envelope that contained the above displayed letter




REGISTERED MAIL # RE850255155US - Back of Envelope with Return Receipt still sttached

REGISTERED MAIL # RE850255155US - Front of Envelope with marking showing that it was scheduled for recording prior to sequestration by CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION.

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