Saturday, November 2, 2013


It's a valid question, plain & simple. So, please, check your emotions/feelings at the door...

Screenshot Image of my question as posted on Yahoo! Answers on Thursday, October 31st of 2013.

I posted this question on Yahoo! Answers two days ago. So far, only one (1) response (not an answer, which I decided not to flag as inappropriate simply because I wanted the world to see the nonsense some people spout-off to incite adverse reactions) has been posted by an obvious troll who, by my assessment, mainly posts answers to questions listed in the "Law & Ethics" category on the site. 

I bring my question here in hopes of getting your answersnot slander

It matters to me not that any does/doesn't care that this crime has been perpetrated against me by the DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE and/or CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. It does, however, matter that someone/something out there doesn't want you to know about it. So I'm putting it all on the line to present this to you. I feel that you should not have to perish from a lack of knowledge as the Holy Bible says that my people do. 

How many is too many? I mean how many of my brothers and sisters dying from said lack of knowledge is too many?

I believe the answer is one (1). That's all that it takes to get my attention. If whether or not you believe the same is your business though, not mine. My conscious is clean as I am doing my part in re the fight against tyranny and perversion of due process of law.

I have also posted this same question on Craigslist in hopes of reaching more interested men and/or women. The following is a screenshot of the question as is currently posted/presented at If you'd like to submit your answer to me directly, please use the reply email address listed in the top right corner of the post's page on Craigslist.

Screenshot Image of post in re as displayed on Craigslist @

Just in case you're wondering, "What is mail fraud?" I present you with the following definition:
mail fraud. An act of fraud using the U.S. Postal Service, as in making false representations through the mail to obtain an economic advantage. 18 USCA §§ 1341-1347. [Cases: Postal Service -->35. C.J.S. Postal Service and Offenses Against Postal Laws § 23.] [See Black's Law Dictionary - 8th Edition.] 
To grasp a solid (unwavering) comprehension of the previous definition, one should also know the meaning of the term "fraud" which sets the precedent for the definition of "mail fraud." Well, I shall oblige with the following definition as also presented in Black's Law Dictionary (which, according to Wikipedia, " the most widely used law dictionary in the United States").
fraud, n. 1. A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment. Fraud is usually a tort, but in some cases (especially when the conduct is willful) it may be a crime. ― Also termed intentional fraud. 2. A misrepresentation made recklessly without belief in its truth to induce another person to act. 3. A tort arising from a knowing misrepresentation, concealment of material fact, or reckless misrepresentation made to induce another to act to his or her detriment. 4. Unconscionable dealing; especially in contract law, the unfair use of the power arising out of the parties' relative positions and resulting in an unconscionable bargain.  [See Black's Law Dictionary - 8th Edition.] 
With the definitions provided herein, in conjunction with all other prima facie evidence presented on this blog (, one should be able to competently say that the DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY has indeed committed mail fraud.

If you read the letter that was sent to me by CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION , you should have noticed that the author and/or CRAIG WATKINS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CIVIL DIVISION, did indeed commit forgery in the drafting of said letter. The crime committed constitutes a felony on behalf of the current DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CRAIG WATKINS, which subsequently makes him ineligible to hold his current position in Public Office and liable for all damages to me including the violation of my rights and liberties along with all infringements upon my copyright.

By law, especially contract law, I have the right to hold the current DALLAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CRAIG WATKINS, accountable for all violations/infringements committed against me in his name and shall do so.

As I have been composing this post for well over the past three hours, I shall now close with PEACE, LOVE AND RESPECT...ALWAYS & FOREVER.